Getting started

Fetch Triggers STOMP

The following section describes how to fetch the device's triggers via a websocket, ideal for highly responsive applications.
Specifically, the MT1 server provides the STOMP protocol over a SockJS endpoint.
STOMP and SockJS are available for a variety of programming languages, including JavaScript, Java, C# and Python.

SockJS endpoint

The MT1 server provides a specific endpoint to subscribe to a device SockJS topic:
You can fetch the SockJS endpoint information as follows:

STOMP topics

In order to receive the device's trigger you can subscribe to various STOMP topics, depending on your use case:

STOMP messages

A raw trigger message looks like the following example: The above message is the STOMP representation.
The actual payload of the message looks like this: The actual trigger's information is part of the dto property.
Most likely you would need the following trigger's properties: