

A trigger of a device is defined by the following structure (example): This section documents the different types of a trigger (field type) as well as the types of a start number (field startNumber.type).

Trigger Types

A trigger can have one of the following types: A StartNumberTrigger represents a normal trigger of a device. Such a trigger will be produced if one of the device's channels is triggered. A StartNumberTrigger can be uniquely identified by its timestamp, timing channel and device ID.
A trigger of the type ClearTrigger will be produced if a trigger is deleted by the user through the device. As the name suggests, such a trigger clears (deletes) a previously received trigger, uniquely identified by the timestamp, timing channel and device ID.
See the Examples section for detailled examples.

Startnumber Types

A startnumber (field startNumber.type) can have one of the following types: If a trigger is produced by a device and the user did not manually enter a startnumber via the device's keypad, the resulting trigger will have a startnumber type of SEQUENTIAL.
However, if the user did enter a startnumber and hitting the before the trigger was produced, the resulting trigger will have a startnumber type of MANUAL.
The startnumber types SUGGESTED and MEMO are currently not used, but may be used in the future.